Do you really need a website?

You need a website. Everyone chants.

Obviously, there are many reasons for you to hesitate in building one for your business:

“I’m not tech-savvy”
“They’re too costly”
“I have enough business already”
Or the infamous one “ My clients are off the grid, I do not need one”.

Do you really need a website?

Owning a website doesn’t require you to be a technical genius. Building a site is not that expensive as compared to how much not having one is costing you right now. 

And, as for your off-grid clients, more than 60 percent of people use the internet globally. So, if your customers fall in the other 40% category you are good to go. However, the change in how people communicate will force the business to change its way of conducting business.

After all, the business has to ensure profitability. And who is to say it will take long before the market will be easily accessed by the dominance of the Internet-based business. The use of the internet will only increase in the next ten years.

Resisting the idea of a business website? Still not sure?

need a website

Let’s solve this dilemma right here, right now.

Answer them

Are you tired of explaining your business all the time?


Do you want to convert a normal business/product into a brand?


Do you want to target a large customer/audience?


Do you want to go online?


Do you want to create your own platform?


Are you competitive?


If your ‘yes’ immensely overpowers the ‘no’ then continue reading why you need a website. 

A website helps to answer basic questions quickly.

You are tired of explaining your business all the time.

What do you do? What services do you provide? What are your work ethics or your portfolio?. What type of teams do you manage? 

After some time, you get bored and irritated with these questions, then are you going to record your voice in an audiotape and carry it around?

With your business’s website, you can answers three basic questions in less than three seconds after visitors land on your page. 

  • Who are you?
  • What do you do/offer
  • How do I contact you?

Carrying an audiotape wouldn’t have been the worst idea if it had been some decades ago. 

But in these progressive days, your best option is to go online through your website which will do that job for you.

We live in the age of NOW, where consumers demand answers immediately. Providing them with that service will make you favorable to your audience.

For that, yes, you do need a website.

A website helps you target a large audience and an even larger pool of niche customers.

Your business might be doing just fine right now. You already have enough of your loyal and faithful customers. So it’s no alarms and no surprises for you to question the necessity for a website. 

However, there is always a chance for every business to experience customer turnover. And to ensure continued success, you will have to continually change according to your customers’ needs. 

To put things in perspective, jump forward to 2021, and 97 percent of consumers are searching for a business online. 

Now if you want them to choose your company, you need to be found online- meaning you need a website.

Website will help you convert normal business/product into a brand

How does a normal business turn into a brand?

When it reaches everyone. And right now everyone is online.

Connect your business with a website that then connects your large number of targeted audiences to you. 

Not everyone might be your customer. But everyone needs to know that your business exists. The cycle is simple here. Listen to your customer, they will tell you about the brand. And a customer can know about your brand only when they search you online and YOU ARE THERE. Then you converse to your customer and it repeats.

More than 80 % of your audience will check out your website before meeting you. Furthermore, the website highly affects whether or not they choose your service. And it is guaranteed they will leave a website if it was poorly designed or difficult to use. Implying a website has an important impact on your business. Also implying a branded website will instantly build trust and credibility for your business. Meaning, you need a website. 

A website helps you in the long-run competition. A branded website makes sure you stand out among the crowd.

A website reflects the mission, vision, and services your business provides. Meaning when your website will reflect your best self, people are sure to choose and trust you. 

90 percent of people all around the world have websites for their business.
This should tell you two things:

  1. 90 Percent of businesses are doing better than yours in terms of online presence
   2. You still have a chance to beat that 10 percent if you get a website now.

Think of your website as your digital resume. But instead of simply listing the places you have worked and the skill you have gained, you can show them attractively in real-time.

You can simply build your website and hop two times forward than your competitors who don’t. Or for the same standard of websites your competitor has, you can make it more engaging and attractive for your audience. 

All that matters is that people notice you. Your audience chooses you. And your targeted customer enjoys you.


A well-made and branded website has the potential to create the digital empire you dream of. So, yes, you need a website. 

A website helps you go online. 

If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business”.

-Bill Gates

In simple terms, going online means breaking that geographical barrier between you and your potential customer. 

Going online means making your presence felt on the space of the Internet.

There are many ways you can go online.

One being connecting people through your website.

Your potential client will create an impression of your company by going through its website.

Another is different social media alternatives. 


When your business is just starting, advertising on social media can be a somewhat viable option to bring brand awareness. But if you think you do not need a website because you’re on Facebook. Then you are in for a surprise because so is every other business in Nepal. 

There are hundreds of social media platforms and thousands of people who use them for business purposes. But it also implies that your audience from Facebook is stacking you up against your competitors because they are there too. 

Moreover, until when? Until when do you think social media or the Facebook platform is going to help your business?

Let’s take an example. According to a 2018 news report, people are spending less time on Facebook. Statistics show nearly 50 million fewer hours. Implying, now it is getting harder to reach people on social media. And what’s next? Maybe in the next five years, Facebook loses its popularity, which means you will have to find a new platform, a new social media for people to engage with you. And what about the next ten years and forward?

A website helps you create and control your platform. While social media can help a business grow, using it as a sole marketing channel is a no-go.

Build a website now.! Go online!

Digital technology is ruling the world. Gone are those days when you had to physically meet and mingle with the clientele.

For your physical business, your website will be your digital headquarter. 

One search on Google can result in a new customer

Nevertheless, the question remains.

Do you really need a website?


your business depends on it.


specially, if you are a modern thinker.


eemingly, driving your business to the next level.

To summarize, you need a website and it’s easier than ever to get one. With a website development company around every bend you just might touch shoulder with one of the companies. But finding the best among the best is still a feat.

Now, for your valuable online presence, do you need a good website or a great website?

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