Domain Registration Cost In Nepal.

How much does domain registration cost in Nepal?
How much will Zookti cost us when registering the domain of our choice?
Can I register a domain myself?

Which is the cheap domain registration in Nepal?

We are frequently asked these questions when we begin a project with a client. Let us mention that these are very valid questions and should be asked when choosing a web designing company.

The topic was somewhat covered by our article: Questions to raise when choosing a web design company in Nepal, but today let’s get down to the details.

Be it to host a business website or simply power a personal site. Maybe to get custom emails with their brand names, or maybe to sell it for a high price in the future, EVERYONE wants to own a domain name.

And the good news, you do not have to be Richie-Rich to own a simple domain name in Nepal.

Wondering Why?

Because the cost of a simple domain name can range from Rs. 0 to Rs 10,000. Yes, I know you are itching to tell me that a domain ”” was sold for as high as 30 million in 2019.

That is because it depends on whether you are registering for a new domain or buying a pre-registered one. In the second case, the cost depends on its popularity, while if you are choosing a new domain name, it will depend on:

  1. The extension you are going for. (The TLD)
  2. The total timeframe in which you will be using the domain ( time of contract).
  3. Selection of domain registrar.
  4. And privacy protection of these service providers.
Domain Registration Cost In Nepal

Domain Registration Cost in Nepal.

Free .np Domain Registration

In this second-level domain extension, .np represents Nepal.
The extensions like,,, are free if you are to register form Nepal.

For a free domain registration go to this link, and submit the said documents.

Documents required:

  • Copy of company registration document
  • Copy of PAN registration certificate
  • For the registration of personal .np domains, you need a copy of a citizenship card, passport or a driving license.

In addition, you will be required to provide a cover letter with your domain registration request. You can generate this letter with the help of a generator or, if you find the process a bit difficult, we are always happy to assist you.

Domain Registration Cost In Nepal

An example of a cover letter that should be sent when requesting a domain name.

Registering a domain name from service provider

Average domain registration can cost anywhere between Rs. 100 and Rs. 10,000, as already mentioned above, depending on the type of domain and length of registration, and the service provider itself, the price varies again.

For Top-level Domain names

Registration might cost anywhere from Rs 999 to Rs 4000

Renewal may cost anywhere around Rs. 1000 to Rs. 5000 (Renewal charge will be more than the registration charge)

Transfer may cost anywhere between Rs 1000 to Rs 2000

Registration charges vary from registrar to registrar due to the volume of business conducted by each provider. If they are a reputed brand with a large compilation of names, a little negotiation can help you with the cost. In addition, the cost varies based on which free add-ons are included with the registration.

Sometimes you may also receive a free domain registration from your hosting provider. Such opportunities are always worth looking for.

Now, let’s discuss some frequently asked questions about domain registration costs in Nepal.

Some Domain Registration FAQ’s

Do you need a Domain Name?

Asking this question is as silly as asking ” Do I really need a website in 2021?”. Trust me when I say, you do. Both the website and the best domain name for your business.

Searching the Internet is the first thing people will do when they want your product or service, and if you have an easy-to-navigate website, you’ll have a much higher chance of converting them into potential customers. Implying, you need a strong online presence.

As marketing evolves, the most effective way of reaching those niche potential customers is through a website. A well-designed and well-maintained website. Additionally, from a marketing standpoint, you can build a lasting brand image with the right domain name.

On that account, yes you do need a domain name.

How to choose the best Domain Registration Service Provider In Nepal?

Choosing the best domain registration service provider is not as complicated as you think. Just look into some of these factors.

  1. Do you get full control panel to manage your domain when you register a domain with them?

    Answer: Zookti will provide full control to manage your domain.

  2. Do their search engine provide you the wides selection to the web’s largest pool of names?

    Answer: Zookti will aid in finding you the best name with better list to choose from.

  3. Do you get to host you domain name anywhere in the world?

    Answer: You get to host your domain aywhere in the world. Zookti doesn’t block its client from doing so.

  4. Is their customer service availabale all around the clock? All day; Everyday?

    Answer: Zookti provides a highly knowlegdeable and experienced customer support.

Also, check to see what free add ons they offer during domain registration. For example, some services give transfer of domain as a free feature whereas some may provide security as a free add-on.

Anyways, if you get the right answer to these questions. from your service provider, seal the deal.

What happens when you do not renew your domain?

When a domain has expired for 30 days, it goes through a deletion process and is made available to be registered again for everyone.

How long can I own a domain?

Domain registration is valid for at least one year and then you can renew the domain indefinitely. 

How can I check my domain age and domain expiry date?

Any free domain age checker can tell you how old your domain is and when it’s due to expire

How can I renew my domain?

During registration, your service provider will give you a domain customer panel where you can renew your domain. You can also contact the support team for prompt assistance if you do not have access to a domain control panel.

Is it possible to register multiple domain names

There is no limit to how many domain names you can register. If necessary, you can forward all domain names to a single website.

For Free Domain Registration (.np)

What is the policy for .np registration?

Domains are registered on a first-come-first-serve basis but terms and conditions apply.

Who can register .np Domain?

  • Local Entities (company/organization)
  • Nepalese citizens
  • Multinational companies who legally exists in Nepal
A company/organization can only select domain names based on the company/organization's name, product's name, service's name and brand name.

How to register .np Domain for personal use?

  • Nepalese citizenship or passport or driving license or voter’s card or
  • Non-Resident-Nepalese ID card or
  • Nepalese resident visa for foreign nationals
A personal domain name should be based only on applicant’s name as mentioned in above documents:-

How long does it take to get register the .np domain?

Domain registration can take from 1 day to a few days, depending on the number of domain registration backlogs. All documents submitted need to be verified and authenticated, hence, sometimes domain registration can take a longer time.

Can we register the domain we want through Zookti?

We will be glad to provide you with the best web hosting service along with the registration of any domain name. Furthermore, we are happy to guide you through our comprehensive web development services if you so desire.

What is the process of domain registration with Zookti?

  • Make sure the domain that you want to register is available online. 
    • For those who cannot check, send us an e-mail and we’ll supply details.
  • Make payment for the domain (bank deposit/transfer or IME pay, Khalti or eSewa)
  • Send us your contact information (your name, company, address, email & phone number)
  • You will be provided with login information after we have registered your domain for you
  • Go to the control panel of your domain and manage your domain login information

For more information on domain visit this link.

As mentioned earlier, you yourself can register for a domain name but if you are to find the process a bit of a hassle, we are always ready to help.

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